Creating, sending, and editing an invoice
  • 23 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Creating, sending, and editing an invoice

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Article summary

Create unlimited invoices that match your brand, and let clients pay with bank transfers and credit or debit cards.

To create an invoice, go to the New button and select +Invoice

When your invoice is ready, click Send in the top right corner. Before you send the email to your client, you can edit the subject line, email address, and body. 

To edit an invoice, go to the Invoice table and select the three-dot ellipsis menu of the item you would like to edit.

Once the invoice is sent, you’ll see your sent invoice populate in the invoice table on the Invoices page.

If you edit an invoice that has been sent, this will disable the client’s view of the previous invoice, and you’ll need to send them the updated version.

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