Downloading the eSignature Evidence Summary
  • 20 Dec 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Downloading the eSignature Evidence Summary

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Article summary

eSignature Evidence Summary is an audit trail that validates the completion of an e-signature by all parties involved. It is a digital certificate that records all actions taken during the signing process and can be further used for tracking and verification purposes.

A sample Evidence Summary document of a signed document containing the sender and signers' details.

Here are the different options you can choose to download the eSignature Evidence Summary:

  1. From the View document button in the email
  2. From email attachments
  3. From your LegalZoom account

Downloading the eSignature Evidence Summary from the View document button in the email

Follow these steps to download the eSignature Evidence Summary from your email:

For Senders:

  1. Log in to the email account registered with LegalZoom.
  2. Find and open an email from Team LegalZoom ( with the subject line “Congrats [Your name]! You’ve received all signatures for your [your document name].”
  3. Click the View document button in the body of the email. This will redirect you to LegalZoom's sign-in page.
  4. Log in to your LegalZoom account.
  5. Go to Documents in the left navigation bar.
  6. Click eSignature under it.
  7. Go to the All files section.
  8. Find your document in the SIGNED status and click on it.
  9. Click the Info tab on the right side of the document.
  10. Scroll down to the eSignature Evidence Summary PDF section.
  11. Click the Click to download link to download the eSignature Evidence Summary.


For Signers:

  1. Log in to the email account registered with LegalZoom.
  2. Find and open an email from Team LegalZoom ( with the subject line “Congrats [Your name]! Everyone has signed [your document name].”
  3. Click the View document button in the body of the email. The document will be opened.
  4. Click the Notepad icon on the top right of the screen. It contains all the document details, such as the Document Name, Signers, Date, etc.
  5. Click the Download icon next to the eSignature Evidence Summary. The eSignature Evidence Summary will be automatically downloaded to your system.


Downloading the eSignature Evidence Summary from email attachments

Both senders and signers can download a copy of the signed document from your email attachments. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Log in to the email account registered with LegalZoom.
  2. Find and open the email from Team LegalZoom ( notifying e-signature completion.
    • Email subject line for sender: Congrats [Your name]! You’ve received all signatures for your [your document name].
    • Email subject line for signer: Congrats [Your name]! Everyone has signed [your document name].
  3. Scroll to the bottom to find the attachments.
  4. Click on the eSignature Evidence Summary to download it.

LegalZoom sends an email with the Evidence Summary document as an attachment, downloadable by the document sender and signer.

Downloading the eSignature Evidence Summary from your LegalZoom account

Document senders can download the eSignature Evidence Summary from their LegalZoom account. Follow these steps to download the eSignature Evidence Summary:

  1. Log in to your LegalZoom account.
  2. Go to Documents in the left navigation bar.
  3. Click eSignature under it.
  4. Go to the All files section.
  5. Find your document in the SIGNED status and click on it.
  6. Click the Info tab on the right side of the document.
  7. Scroll down to the eSignature Evidence Summary PDF section.
  8. Click the Click to download link to download the eSignature Evidence Summary.


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